Worldwide Statistics
Years of Bioptic Driving
Countries use Bioptics
States in the USA use Bioptics
Countries include: (with 30 years of practice, once legalised, no jurisdiction has ever ceased bioptic driving)
Australia (5)
Canada (11)
Columbia (5)
Switzerland (5)
Egypt (5)
Singapore (8)
Israel (5)
Lebanon (5)
Netherlands (6)
Turkey (13)
Portugal (5)
Saudi Arabia (5)
​Uruguay (5)
49 of 51 states of USA (12)
South Africa (14)
New Zealand (7)
Australian Statistics
49.5% of the Australian population wear glasses or contact lenses (2).
53.7% of Australians suffer from one or more long-term eye conditions (2).
Long-sightedness up 4% to 26.4% (2).
Short-sightedness up 2% to 22.9% (2).
It is estimated that 180,000 Australians have central vision loss, making them unable to pass the visual acuity chart test needed to obtain an unconditional driver's license (4).
In Australia in 2009, there were almost 575,000 Australians aged 40 or over with vision loss. This equates to 5.8% of the Australian population in that age group. Of these, around 66,500 people were blind. Of the 575,000 people with vision loss the largest proportion were aged 70 or over (nearly 70%). It is projected that the number of people aged 40 or over with vision loss will rise to almost 801,000 by 2020 (9).
The financial performance of the Bioptic Telescope is unknown globally. However, based on the price in America (US $1,900) and how many customers would benefit from the technology, a sales forecast can be conducted (10).
1. Telescopes to aid low vision drivers, Menzies Foundation,
2. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) report stating that almost half of Australians tend to wear glasses or contact lenses due to eye problems
3. Nearly 54% of the Australian population reported having one or more long-term eye condition in 2011-12
4. An estimated 180,000 Australians have low vision and as diabetes rates climb, this number is likely to increase.
10. ABS 2012, Carsen 2014, Vision Australia 2016