Who is this for?
Our primary target is Australians with central vision loss. Many adults with central vision loss want to continue driving a car as it represents independence, convenience, and freedom. By far, the biggest group of people who use biopics are those who have decades of driving experience and due to experiencing a form of central vision loss need to use the bioptic to continue to drive.
There are also many Australians who were born with a central vision loss condition who may be able to drive for the first time. The bioptic telescope gives them the opportunity to do just this. BDA seeks to support the demand for bioptic driving by providing information to potential candidates. Go to FAQs Potential and Current Bioptic Drivers.
It is now time Australia formalises bioptic driving. BDA wishes to create awareness around bioptic driving to assist advocates to create evidence based supply side solutions. Go to FAQs Policy Makers.
In Australia the technology is available to purchase for those persons who have been assessed as a suitable candidate by an expert in these devices. The bioptic telescope is used in conjunction with their regular carrier lenses (prescription glasses). BDA wishes to create awareness and connect professional to support assessment and training for bioptic drivers. Go to FAQs Eyesight Professionals.
Sourced at YouTube channel: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Published on 27 Nov 2013. Titled: A ticket to ride: UAB program opens doors to drivers who are sight-impaired.
NEW: Introducing an Australian Bioptic Driving Framework
Click on the below image to learn more about what a Bioptic Driving Framework looks like for Australia
For more information, please go to the resources page.
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Bioptic Drivers Australia (BDA) is a place created by bioptic drivers for potential and current bioptic drivers. Our goal is to tell about our experiences with bioptic driving that we hope will give people inspiration to consider bioptic driving for their personal circumstances. The BDA is growing and with this so too is the network of its friends. BDA also provides information to create awareness for policy makers, eye care and driving professionals. Together, the BDA network seeks to support both supply and demand side mechanisms to formalise bioptic driving in Australia.
BDA welcome people who wish to get involved to support the growth of bioptic driving in Australia If you want to be involved or have a question, please send us an email: biopticdriversaus@gmail.com
In 16 other countries around the world, including the USA, China, Canada and New Zealand, such people are able to use a bioptic telescope, and have been able to do so in some places for 30 years. In Australia, people are allowed to drive using a bioptic telescope however there is no formalised process to allow for assessment by eyesight practitioners.
BDA would like to see a dedicated standard within the Assessing Fitness To Drive Guidelines that will give eyesight practitioners confidence to assess suitable candidates for bioptic driving. Currently in Australia there are only a handful of experts in the use of these devices. We would also like to see a nation-wide rehabilitation program that can be used by rehabilitation and driver educators to train and monitor safe driving practices for suitable candidates who use a bioptic telescope.
It is estimated that 180,000 Australians have central vision loss, making them unable to pass the visual acuity chart needed to obtain a driver's license.
“There is really no evidence that individuals with vision impairment who use bioptic telescopes on the road are any more unsafe than any other drivers” Cynthia Owsley Ph.D, UAB Professor of Ophthalmology.
BDA (Bioptic Drivers Australia PTY LTD) is currently a private not for profit company ACN: 634 246 950, ABN: 3463 424 6950. BDA is in process of seeking registration as a charity withe the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission.

Of Australians have one or more long-term eye conditions
Years of Bioptic Driving
Countries use Bioptics
States in the USA use Bioptics
Reduced vision does not have to prevent you from leading an engaged and fulfilling life. With the Bioptic Telescope, you may be able to bring your world into focus, making it easier to see and do things you may never have thought possible.